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  中国钢结构协会是由中国钢结构行业的企、事业单位和科学家、工程技术专家、企业家自愿组成具有法人地位的全国性行业经济技术团体,组建于 1984年6月。协会有冶金、建设、石油、化工、机械、船舶、电力、铁道、交通、航空等十余个部委、总公司下属的设计、研究、制造、安装、钢铁生产厂等 1500余个团体会员单位。



  Purpose of the CSCS

  By following the general policy for the economic construction of socialism,the purposes of society are to play a role of a bridge and a link between governmmental departments and enterprises,organize the union of the organizations concerning with steel construction in a way of trans-department,trans-profession and trans-discipline,rely on the progress of science and technology and technology,promote the development of the steel construction in China,make use of steel rationally,raise the social and economic benefits of the whole profession,and serve socialist construction of modemizations.


  ○ 调查研究钢结构行业国内外基本情况、技术发展、市场变化;

  ○ 了解科研、设计、制造、施工、应用中存在的问题;

  ○ 总结、推广应用钢结构经验,向 有关部门提出经济技术政策方面的建议;

  ○ 协助有关行政部门组织综合研究、联合攻关、制定推广技术措施、对标准、规程、规范提出建议和参与编制工作;

  ○ 开展国内外有关钢结构的经济、技术交流、举办学术讨论会、科普讲座、技术培训、展览、经贸洽谈、出国交流考察进修等;

  ○ 开展咨询服务、提供国内外技术经济情报和市场信息;

  ○ 编辑出版有关钢结构的情报资料、图书、刊物等;

  ○ 接受政府部门委托,开展钢结构行业管理方面的有关业务。

  Task of the CSCS

  ●To investigate the basic conditions,technical development and changes on markets of the profession of steel construction both at home and abroad.

  ●Find out the problem of scientific research, design, manufacture,construction and use.

  ●Summarize experience in popularizing the steel structures,and submit recommendations relating to economic and technoligical policies to the state departments concerned.

  ●To help the relevant administrative departments to organize comprehensive research work,joint brainstorm,work out measures for popularizing technology,put forward recommendations for standards,regulations and codes,and also participate in compilations.

  ●To unflod the economic and technical exchanges of steel structures at home and abroad,hold academic discussions,popular science lectures,as well as organize trainings,going abroad for advanced studies and on a tour of investigation.

  ●To unfold consulting services,supply technical and enconmic information and data on markets both at home and abroad.

  ●To compile and publish intelligence data,publications etc.

  ●To accept commitments from governmental departments to unfold business of professional management of steel constructions.


  协会第四届理事会 会 长:毕 群

  常务副会长:刘 军

  副 会 长:王明仁、李世俊、李国强、李富山、周孟波、周绪红、季加铭、柯长华、高海建、徐 凝、谈德勤、郭明明、程志广、魏云祥

  秘 书 长:刘 毅


  副秘书长:徐 寅、刘学纯、王文仪

  Leaderships of CSCS

  The fourth session of board of directors of CSCS: Chairman: Bi Qun

  Administratice Vice Chairman: Liu Jun

  Vice Chairman: Wang Mingren,Li Shijun,Li Guoqiang,Li Fushan,Zhou Mengbo,Zhou Xuhong,Ji Jiaming,Ke Changhua,Gao Haijian,Xu Ning,Tan Deqin,Guo Mingming,Cheng Zhiguang,Wei Yunxiang

  Secretary General: Liu Yi

  Administratice Deputy Secretary General: Liu Wanzhong

  Deputy Secretary General: Xu Yin,Liu Xuechun,Wang Wenyi



  International Communication

  China Steel Construction Society (CSCS) has extensive international communications.The society is in close contacts with Japanese Society of Steel Construction,Singapore Structural Steel Society,Korean Society of Steel Construction,The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd,Bilateral or multilateral international technical exchanges of steel constructions are held regularly.The society is also a member of Pacific Organization of Steel Construction.